
Monday, December 26, 2016

Living Fulfilled

 It can be so easy to get caught up in status, success, and proving yourself to the rest of the world. Our society drills into us from the beginning of our days that there's a set standard to live by, an expected way of life, a checklist that once complete equals success.
  • College
  • Marriage
  • House
  • Children/ Furchildren
  • Retirement 
    Not that there's anything wrong with this idea of the "American Dream" but as I got older I rapidly realized this was not my idea of fulfillment. Even though most days I struggle with this underlying feeling that somethings wrong with me, that I should be content working towards these goals. When my gaze is stuck inward, it can feel so isolating, like I'm living in a world I don't belong in. It isn't until I seek community, reach outside my clouded perception of reality that I see the thread- work of our Heavenly Father. He has crafted each of us in likeness of Him, we will never be Him nor will we all ever be the same.

    One Two of the hardest things about growing up is;

  1. Realizing you will never feel like the most adult-est person in the room
  2. Accepting your ever changing self 

    There's no magical age, or at least I haven't reached it yet, where you wake up feeling like you know what you're doing with life! There might be moments, maybe even days those feelings come, you accomplish one of those life goals and feel like your path has been revealed. Just in time to be side- swiped by a tidal wave of emotions that pull you into deep thoughts of your greater existence. Or at least, that seems to be what my Gemini, Empath, Spoonie self has experienced...

    Now that I've given you, probably more information then you care to know about the going- on's of my rambling brain maybe you can relate to my mess of emotions mixed with aspirations. One of my hopes in sharing the words that stir in my spirit is to connect with similar souls. I know Mr. Battaglia and I can't be the only ones fighting our way through a quarter- life crisis! (Insert crying, laughing smiley emjoi here.) 

Image result for verse about success    So here's to hanging on for the ride! Here's to living! Here's to every hurdle, blessing, and surprise that has or is yet to come our way. After all, success isn't a check list, it doesn't look a certain way, and there's no one way to achieve it. Learning to enjoy the success you're currently living in is the key to enjoying your success that is to come. 

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